COVID-19 Update – 17 April 2020
Day 23: Are you ready to transition to Level 3? We think it’s highly likely that we’ll move to Alert Level 3 next week. For many of us, it won’t feel much different from Alert Level 4. However, it will be 1 step closer to Alert Level 2, etc…. Are you...
March – April Newsletter – 8 April 2020
Day 12: I can’t believe that we’re almost half way though the initial lockdown period. We have been extremely busy keeping up with the announcements & changes in the business sector. The new & probable cases news over the last few days has been...
COVID-19 Update 2 April 2020
Our philosophy: Be kind, be resourceful, be resilient. Let’s all help each other…. Day 8: We hope you’re still doing ok! We’ve passed the 31st March, traditionally the busiest day of our financial year. 31 March 2020 was no exception. Besides...
COVID-19 Update – Changes 30 March 2020
Our philosophy: Be kind, be resourceful, be resilient. Let’s all help each other…. Day 5: We hope you’re doing ok! We’ve all settled into our new offices, and we’re having a virtual meeting over coffee each day. So far so goodJ Thanks for the queries...
Moving from Alert Level 4 to Level 3
As we move towards Alert Level 3, there are more guidelines being produced daily. We’ve included the most recent links to resources on the COVID site – you might find these helpful as you prepare your systems & processes to work in the new environment:
• NEW Worksafe – Moving to Level 3
• NEW Health and Safety – Moving to Level 3
• Moving from Alert Level 4 to Level 3
• Your COVID-19 safety plan – what you need to think about
• NEW COVID-19 Safe Work Protocols for Manufacturing Industries
And a warning: Beware of phishing scams. We are aware there has been a lot of scamming happening over the past few weeks. It will increase as the IRD begins releasing tax refunds. NEVER supply information via email to the IRD. All matters concerning the IRD are negotiated or discussed via secure mail through MyIR. The IRD will never ask you for bank account details, debit or credit card details via email. Similarly, they will never advise the amount of a refund you will receive via email. Their advice is produced via an ‘Assessment’, not an email. Please be very aware the scammers are out there in large numbers. If in any doubt about an email you receive, please contact us.
PS: Join us in supporting our local community. We are Whanganui 100% and proud of it!

Our philosophy: Be kind, be resourceful, be resilient. Lets all help each other... As your aware, the world is changing quickly, and we didn’t think it would change as quickly as it has. We are now working from home, and are here to support you through these...File it before 18th April!
Inland Revenue are upgrading their systems from 3pm on Thursday 18 April to 8am on Friday 26 April 2019 NZT. During this time, all IRD systems and services will be offline, including phone lines, offices and myIR web services. What it means for you: GST: GST returns...
“It’s time to switch to payday filing”
What you need to know about switching to payday filing Payday filing in a nutshell From 1 April 2019 all employers must: File employment information every payday instead of an Employer monthly schedule (IR348). Provide new and departing employees’ address...