Prue Anderson Accounting have made the complex simple.

Prue Anderson Accounting keep everything in order. You can see where you are on a daily basis and make sure you’re heading towards your business goals.

Lez and Liana Kiriona
Owners of Mint Cafe and Frank. Bar + Eatery

Client Stories & Testimonials

Joe and Heather Power

Previous Owners of
Essence Catering

Leanne Fromont

Wanganui Veterinary Services

Miriama Cribb

Business Manager
at Te Atawhai O Te Ao

Katie Brown Glass

Glass Artist at Katie Brown Glass

Lydia Deere


Caleb & Abby Kingi

Owners of Lamp Studios

Frances Stachl

Jewellery Maker

Chartered Accountants in the Whanganui & Manawatu Region. Xero Cloud based accounting – we offer set up, training and ongoing support.

© 2017 Prue Anderson Accounting Ltd.


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